To deliver and support police services in law enforcement, crime prevention, investigation, patrol, traffic regulation programs and related law enforcement activities by performing a variety of duties as needed and directed.ATTRACTION BENEFITS:
- $10,000 Signing Incentive
- $5,000 paid upon hire
- $2,500 paid upon successful completion of Field Training Officer Program
- $2,500 paid upon successful completion of 12-month Probationary Period
- 40 hours of vacation loaded upon completion of Field Training Officer Program
Supervision Received and Exercised
Receives general supervision from higher level law enforcement staff.

Essential and other important responsibilities and duties may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Patrol the City in a motor vehicle, on a bicycle, or on foot to respond to calls for police service and to preserve law and order; enforce federal, state and local laws and ordinances and traffic regulations.
- Make arrests for crimes and offenses; perform booking procedures for prisoners.
- Conduct appropriate and complete preliminary investigations of criminal activity including contacting and interviewing victims, witnesses, and suspects and identifying, collecting and booking evidence.
- Conduct appropriate and complete investigations of traffic accidents.
- Conduct appropriate and complete follow-up investigations as directed.
- Plan, write and execute arrest and search warrants.
- Search individuals, vehicles, structures, and land areas for evidence and contraband in conjunction with investigations or as directed.
- Conduct searches for lost or missing persons.
- Perform emergency first aid as reasonable and appropriate.
- Prepare clear, concise and correct written reports using the Police Department's computerized records management system with minimal errors as necessary or directed in a timely manner and in compliance with legal and Police Department standards.
- Appear in juvenile, criminal and civil courts and Department of Motor Vehicle hearings as directed by a supervisor and/or a subpoena to present evidence and testify.
- Maintain and operate specialized police equipment necessary for the conduct of police services.
- Remain consistently knowledgeable in current trends in criminal activity and contemporary law enforcement techniques.
- If so assigned, perform the specific duties and responsibilities of a specialized assignment, e.g. Detective, Field Training Officer (FTO), K-9 handler or School Resource Officer, as delineated in the assignment description.
- As assigned, plan and deliver presentations to civic and community groups and individuals concerning law enforcement issues including but not limited to crime prevention, illegal narcotics, and driving under the influence.
- Participate in training exercises and classes as directed.
- Perform related duties and responsibilities as required by the Police Chief, Police Commander, Police Sergeant and/or Senior Police Officer to meet the needs of the Police Department and the community.
- Carry out duties and responsibilities in compliance with appropriate federal, state, county, City laws and ordinances and City personnel rules without bias, favoritism, or prejudice.
- Responsible for self-compliance with regulations, policies and procedures.
- Accept responsibility and exercise reasonably appropriate discretion in matters not specifically defined or described in the Police Department regulations, policies, procedures, and job description.
- Consistently demonstrate exemplary courtesy, initiative, diligence, truthfulness, attention to duty, and observance of proper personal discipline in accordance with Police Department standards.
Knowledge of:- Operations, services and activities of a comprehensive municipal law enforcement program.
- Contemporary law enforcement tactics, procedures and practices including but not limited to community oriented and problem solving policing and their application to a wide variety of services and community and social problems; patrol, crime prevention, traffic regulation and investigation.
- Rules of evidence pertaining to search and seizure.
- Collection and preservation of physical evidence.
- Laws governing the apprehension, arrest and custody of persons accused of criminal activity.
- Basic verbal and written English language and grammar to be able to reasonably communicate information with the public and/or complete relevant written documentation required by job activities.
- Use of firearms.
- Operational characteristics and use of modern police equipment including office equipment, computers and supporting word processing applications.
- Recent court decisions and their effect on law enforcement.
- Relevant federal, state and local laws, codes and regulations.
Ability to:
- Perform a wide range of law enforcement duties and responsibilities.
- Identify and respond appropriately to a wide variety of incidents including emergency situations.
- Use and care for a variety of firearms and other police equipment in a reasonably safe manner.
- Operate a motor vehicle in a reasonably safe manner.
- Prepare clear and concise reports.
- Interpret, explain and apply federal, state and local laws and Police Department policies, procedures and regulations.
- Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing.
- Comprehend and follow oral and written instructions.
- Work independently in the absence of direct and immediate supervision.
- Operate office equipment including computers and supporting word processing applications.
- Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work.
- Maintain effective audio/visual discrimination and perception to the degree necessary for the successful performance of assigned duties.
- Maintain physical condition appropriate to the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities.
Education: Graduation from high school or GED Certificate.
Thirty college semester units (45 quarter units) from an accredited college or university with major coursework in criminal justice, police science or a job related field is highly desirable.
Experience: Lateral candidates must possess a California POST Regular Basic Certificate. Recent employment (within the past 3 years) as a California peace officer is required, or completion of a POST Certified Requalification Course is required by the date of employment.
Age: Minimum of 21 years of age.
Eyesight: Correctable to 20/20 in better eye and not less than 20/25 in lesser eye. Method of correction to be evaluated per POST standards. Must be free from color blindness.
Character: Good moral character.
Physical Condition: Height and weight must be in proportion to one another; the ability to bend, stoop, kneel, crawl, run, stand, sit, or walk for prolonged periods of time; the ability to discharge a firearm; and operate vehicles.
Personal Appearance Standards: Ability to meet the Department's personal appearance standards:
"Department members are not allowed any tattoo, brand or body art that is visible while wearing any standard authorized Department uniform. No tattoo, brand or body art shall be visible at such a time and place that would bring discredit to the Department." (Arroyo Grande Police Department Policy 1042.3)
Working Conditions
Environmental Conditions:Emergency peace control environment; exposure to potentially hostile or dangerous environments; moving objects/vehicles.
Physical Conditions:Job duties and responsibilities may require maintaining physical condition necessary for bending, stooping, kneeling, crawling, running, standing, sitting or walking for prolonged periods of time; the ability to discharge a firearm and operate vehicles in a reasonably safe manner.