Currently, there is one vacancy in the Forecast Specialization. This vacancy may be filled at either the Budget Analyst or Senior Budget Analyst level. Budget Analysts and Senior Budget Analysts may have primary duties in one specialization, but still perform duties across all specializations, and may be reassigned based on the needs of the office. This recruitment will also establish Eligible Lists for both Budget Analyst and Senior Budget Analyst that may be used to fill future vacancies.
First review of applications will be Monday, March 10, 2025, and weekly thereafter.
Budget Analyst ($67,967.33 - $97,620.22 annually)
An employee in this class is responsible for assisting in the overall process of preparing and administering the City's annual operating budget, five-year Capital Improvement Budget, and multi-year revenues/expenditures projections. The Budget Analyst compiles and analyzes both statistical and fiscal data as the basis for preparing specific schedules, tables, and narrative summaries that are included in these various budget documents. Budget Analysts are responsible for the analysis of one or many City departments and funds with assistance from their supervisor or a Senior Budget Analyst. A Budget Analyst is expected to perform work independently with periodic supervisor review.
Forecast Specialization: Budget Analysts working in the Forecast area are responsible for producing the short-term, mid-term, and long-term financial forecasts. Additional responsibilities include: research and identification of economic influences on the City’s revenues and expenditures; performing advanced statistical analysis and comprehensive review of forecast model variables through the use of regression analysis and statistical software packages; and preparing summary presentations and reports for City management. Budget Analysts are also responsible for the development and testing of the Forecast system.
Operations Specialization: Budget Analysts working in the Operations area are responsible for leading major budget processes in support of the City’s budget preparation process and budget monitoring during the fiscal year. This includes the production of the annual Executive Budget Plan document; the development of training for City staff; and providing analysis of contingency requests, position costs, and other operational issues.
Projects Specialization: Budget Analysts working in the Projects area are responsible for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). This involves research, compilation, analysis, and summary of multi-year CIP related data such as: monthly expenditures; bond reconciliations; project-based expenditure reporting; and preparation of tables, charts, and summaries used for the five-year CIP and seven-year forecast period. Budget Analysts working in this area are also responsible for the compilation, analysis, and summary of multiyear Lifecycle and Infrastructure plans, as well as the set-up and management of projects in the City’s financial system.
This class is distinguished from the Senior Budget Analyst class primarily by the lesser complexity of both personal computer (PC) programming and detail of schedules, tables, and summaries prepared for the budget documents; and by the narrower scope of the statistical/fiscal data analyzed. Budget Analysts serve as primary department liaisons with on-going support and direction for their supervisor. Progression from a Budget Analyst to a Senior Budget Analyst is accomplished through a non-competitive, criteria-based promotional process. The incumbent must be employed a minimum of two years as a City of Mesa Budget Analyst and have successfully completed initial City probation. In addition, the incumbent must meet established work standards, demonstrate the level of competency necessary to independently perform assigned tasks, demonstrate knowledge of City financial practices and their application to daily situations, and meet the minimum qualifications of the Senior Budget Analyst classification. An employee in this class functions with minimal day to day supervision and work results are reviewed for accuracy, thoroughness, reasonableness, and completion in a timely manner. This class is FLSA exempt-professional.
Senior Budget Analyst ($78,700.13 - $113,033.02 annually)
A Senior Budget Analyst performs advanced budget preparation, analysis, and administrative work in the City's Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Senior Budget Analysts serve in a leadership role, which includes oversight, coordination, and process improvement responsibilities. General responsibilities include: compilation and analysis of data, the preparation of tables, charts, and summaries to be used in the City's budget documents and presentations; training City staff on budget procedures; surveying customers; performing site visits at City departments; preparing the annual operating and capital improvement program budget; assisting departments with activity based budgeting and costing; assisting departments with performance management, including the evaluation of budget requests based on related performance information; and providing staff support to quarterly management meetings. Senior Budget Analysts are responsible for the analysis of one or many City departments and funds.
Senior Budget Analysts are responsible for the testing, documentation, and training of the Performance Budgeting system. This includes the design and use of data queries to analyze data integrity as well as content conformity to set standards; and spreadsheet design, analysis of data linking, and formula integrity. Senior Budget Analysts are also responsible for Citywide training for financial structure, database training, financial analysis techniques, and general budgetary policy; and for producing and maintaining publications, presentations, and reference documents on the internet (external customers) and the intranet (internal customers).
Forecast Specialization: Senior Budget Analysts working in the Forecast area are responsible for producing the short-term, mid-term, and long-term financial forecasts. Additional responsibilities include: research and identification of economic influences on the City’s revenues and expenditures; performing advanced statistical analysis and comprehensive review of forecast model variables through the use of regression analysis and statistical software packages; and preparing summary presentations and reports for City management. Senior Budget Analysts are also responsible for the development and testing of the Forecast system.
Operations Specialization: Senior Budget Analysts working in the Operations area are responsible for leading major budget processes in support of the City’s budget preparation process and budget monitoring during the fiscal year. This includes the production of the annual Executive Budget Plan document; the development of training for City staff; and providing analysis of contingency requests, position costs, and other operational issues.
Projects Specialization: Senior Budget Analysts working in the Projects area are responsible for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). This involves research, compilation, analysis, and summary of multi-year CIP related data such as: monthly expenditures; bond reconciliations; project-based expenditure reporting; and preparation of tables, charts, and summaries used for the five-year CIP and seven-year forecast period. Senior Budget Analysts working in this area are also responsible for the compilation, analysis, and summary of multiyear Lifecycle and Infrastructure plans, as well as the set-up and management of projects in the City’s financial system.
Criteria Based Promotion Opportunity: Progression from a Budget Analyst to a Senior Budget Analyst is accomplished through a non-competitive, criteria-based promotional process. The incumbent must be employed a minimum of two years as a City of Mesa Budget Analyst and have successfully completed initial City probation. In addition, the incumbent must meet established work standards, demonstrate the level of competency necessary to independently perform assigned tasks, demonstrate knowledge of City financial practices and their application to daily situations, and meet the minimum qualifications of the Senior Budget Analyst classification.
This class is distinguished from the Budget Analyst primarily by the scope of assignment and complexity of the data analysis. A Senior Budget Analyst is expected to display considerable initiative in meeting deadlines and target dates, as well as identifying ways to improve and/or streamline the process. General guidelines, timetables, and procedures are established by OMB senior staff and Budget Coordinators, City code, and state law. Work is reviewed prior to being submitted to the City Manager and City Council for final approval and/or adoption. This class may be attained by non-competitive promotion upon demonstrating proficiency as a Budget Analyst including being employed a minimum of two years as a City of Mesa Budget Analyst and having successfully completed initial City probation. In addition, the incumbent must meet established work standards, demonstrate the level of competency necessary to independently perform assigned tasks, demonstrate knowledge of City financial practices and their application to daily situations, and meet the minimum qualifications of the Senior Budget Analyst classification. An employee in this class functions as a lead on projects and with other employees with minimal supervision. Works results are reviewed for accuracy, thoroughness, reasonableness, and completion in a timely manner. This class is FLSA exempt-professional.
Please refer to the link below for the full job description and additional information regarding assignments, preferred qualifications, and essential functions.
Qualifications & Requirements
Employee Values: All employees of the City of Mesa are expected to uphold and exhibit the City's shared employee values of Knowledge, Respect, and Integrity.
Budget Analyst:
Minimum Qualifications Required. Any combination of training, education, and/or experience equivalent to graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, Finance, Data Analytics, Statistics, or closely related field and a minimum of three years full-time, professional level employment in accounting, auditing, budget preparation, finance, statistical analysis, or closely related financial and/or fiscal activity OR any combination of training, education, and/or experience equivalent to graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's Degree and a minimum of five years full-time, professional level employment in accounting, auditing, budget preparation, finance, statistical analysis, or closely related financial and/or fiscal activity. Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Master’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Data Analytics, Statistics, Business or Public Administration, or closely related field will be considered as two years of qualifying work experience.
Preferred/Desirable Qualifications. Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Master's Degree in Accounting, Finance, Data Analytics, Statistics, Business or Public Administrations, or closely related field. Three years full-time, professional level employment in accounting, auditing, budget preparation, finance, statistical analysis, or closely related financial and/or fiscal activity within a local, county, or state government. Workplace experience with data manipulation through Excel spreadsheets or databases. Possession of a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Certified Governmental Financial Manager (CGFM).
Senior Budget Analyst:
Minimum Qualifications Required. Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, Finance, Data Analytics, Statistics, or closely related field and a minimum of five years’ full-time, professional-level employment in accounting, auditing, budget preparation, finance, statistical analysis, or closely related financial and/or fiscal activity OR any combination of training, education, and/or experience equivalent to graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's Degree and a minimum of seven years full-time, professional level employment in accounting, auditing, budget preparation, finance, statistical analysis, or closely related financial and/or fiscal activity. Two years of full-time employment with the City of Mesa as a Budget Analyst or three years full-time professional-level budget employment with the City of Mesa will be considered as qualifying experience. Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Master’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Data Analytics, Business or Public Administration, or closely related field will be considered as two years of qualifying work experience.
Preferred/Desirable Qualifications. Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Data Analytics, Business or Public Administration, or closely related field. Five years full-time, professional level employment in accounting, auditing, budget preparation, finance, statistical analysis, or closely related financial and/or fiscal activity within a local, county, or state government. Workplace experience with data manipulation through Excel spreadsheets or databases. Possession of a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM). Regression analysis experience, as well as work with statistical packages like SPSS and Forecast Pro
(Forecast Specialization Assignment).
Budget Analyst:
Link to Job Description
Senior Budget Analyst:
A Summary of City of Mesa Benefits is linked here.
Do you have a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, Finance, Data Analytics, Statistics, or closely related field? Please detail your degree(s) on your application.
Do you have a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university
in an area other than Accounting, Finance, Data Analytics, Statistics, or closely related field? Please list your degree(s) and area(s) on your application.
Do you have a Master's Degree in Accounting, Finance, Data Analytics, Statistics, Business or Public Administration, or closely related field? Please detail your degree(s) on your application.
How many years of full-time, professional level employment do you have in accounting, auditing, budget preparation, finance, statistical analysis, or closely related financial and/or fiscal activity? Please detail your experience on your application.
- None
- Some but less than 1 year
- 1 year or more but less than 3 years
- 3 years or more but less than 5 years
- 5 years or more but less than 7 years
- 7 years or more
Please describe your full-time, professional-level employment in accounting, auditing, budget preparation, finance, statistical analysis, or closely related financial and/or fiscal activity; including employer(s). Please also detail this experience on your application. If none, type N/A.
Do you have two years of employment with the City of Mesa as a Budget Analyst? Please detail your experience on your application.
Do you have three years of professional-level budget employment with the City of Mesa?
Do you have a current Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Certificate? Please detail the CPA information on your application.
Are you a Certified Governmental Financial Manager (CGFM)? Please detail the CGFM information on your application.
Please rate your experience and/or proficiency using Microsoft Excel.
- No experience
- Basic work experience (data entry)
- Fair work experience (create and format spreadsheet)
- Good work experience (graphs, charts, formulas, calculations)
- Extensive work experience (macros)
Please describe in detail your level of experience working with and/or modifying complex Excel documents. If you do not have experience, please indicate N/A in the box.
Please indicate if you have experience in the following: Check all that apply.
- Regression Analysis
- SPSS Data Analysis Software
- Forecast Pro Software
- None
Please describe in detail your level of experience working with capital projects and with which employer(s). If you do not have experience, please indicate N/A in the box.
Please describe in detail your level of experience working with integrated financial and project management systems and with which employer(s). If you do not have experience, please indicate N/A in the box.
How many years of experience do you have in database management or report development using applications such as SAP's Business Objects or MS SQL?
- None
- Some but less than 1 year
- 1 year or more but less than 3 years
- 3 years or more
Please describe your experience in database management or report development using SAP's Business Objects and MS SQL. If you do not have experience, please indicate N/A in the box.