A Police Trainee is a non-sworn, local government, miscellaneous employee as defined under Government Code Section 20018. Upon hire, the Police Trainee is eligible to begin receiving civilian police training as well as attending a Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) certified police academy to prepare the incumbent to assume the responsibilities of a Police Officer upon completion of the academy. Work may also include performing non-sworn police-related tasks directly for the Police Department during non-academy hours.
Under general supervision, will perform law enforcement, crime prevention and other duties related to the position as required.
Examples of Duties
The Police Trainee will be receiving training for eventual appointment as a Police Officer within the Gardena Police Department. Until appointment as a Police Officer, the Trainee is a non-sworn position performing civilian police training work and attending a P.O.S.T certified basic academy.
Typical Qualifications
AGE: 21 years at time of appointment to Step 1.
EDUCATION: Graduation from high school or equivalent G.E.D. Certificate.
HEIGHT, WEIGHT, GENERAL HEALTH: Applicants must have the capacity both mentally and physically to perform the essential duties of a Gardena Police Officer as determined by a qualified psychologist and/or medical examiner.
Must possess a valid Class "C" California Driver's License, or if licensed in another state, be capable of securing the required California license.
Probationary Period
Probationary Period is 12 months following the completion of Academy.
STEP 1: Granted upon successful completion of Academy.
STEP 2: Granted after 6 months of continuous and satisfactory service at Step 1.
STEP 3: Granted after 1 year of continuous and satisfactory service at Step 2.
STEP 4, 5, & 6: Granted on annual basis following continuous and satisfactory service.
Supplemental Information
Testing Procedure
Prior to appointment, the applicant must meet minimum standards by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training and the City of Gardena. Applicants must pass the processes listed below:
- Written Exam - Pass/Fail
- Physical Agility - Pass/Fail
- Oral Interview - 100%
- Polygraph Examination - Qualifying
- Psychological Evaluation - Qualifying
- Medical Examination - Qualifying
- Background Investigation - Qualifying
- Chief's Oral Interview - Qualifying
Upcoming Test Dates
Written Exam (PELLETB): March 7, 2025
Physical Agility Test: March 23, 2025
City of Gardena GPOA Police Trainee benefits include the following:
Nine and three-quarter (9.75) hours per month and increasing with years of service
Fifteen point sixty-three (15.63) hours paid holiday per month
Sick Leave
Twelve and one half (12.5) hours per month
Retirement: Enrollment into CalPERS with formula 2.0% at age 62 for PEPRA CalPERS members, or 2.0% at age 55 for Classic CalPERS new hires
Health Insurance
The City will pay the PPO or HMO Plan premium for a full-time permanent employee plus one (1) dependent
Uniform Allowance
$34.62 each pay period
Life Insurance
City-paid Group Term Life Insurance Policy ($10,000) for full-time, sworn employees enrolled in the City Health Plan
Deferred Compensation
Voluntary enrollment, no City match
Do you have a High School Diploma or G.E.D.?
What is your current age?
- Under 20
- 20 Years or Older
Do you have a California's Driver's License? If licensed in another state, are you capable of securing the required California License?
Have you completed a Basic P.O.S.T. Certified police academy?
Are you currently attending a Basic P.O.S.T. Certified police academy?